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  The paradigm is that of a multi-ethnic Europe rising up against America; this is of a confounding stupidity, since what the American administration strives to achieve is precisely to ’multiracialise’ and Islamise Europe so as to weaken and dismantle it.

  On the contrary, it is only a united Europe, deeply rooted in its ancestral, ethnic and cultural homogeneity and driven by its own will to power (and the effective means to implement the latter), that could manage to efficiently oppose its American rival and adversary.

  A farcical and disfigured Europe that has allied itself with its worst enemies as a result of the gravest possible confusion between the echtros and the polemos, the inimicus and the hostis, meaning its enemy and adversary, is unacceptable. Among anti-American Leftists, who have all displayed great skill in exploiting this sentiment, this scheme is twisted, yet coherent. Their ultimate aim lies in the destruction of our European identity. On the other hand, their anti-Americanism is only a temporary political means, since they could still adopt the cosmopolitan American model and return to being pro-American at the first possible opportunity (should the Democrats reclaim power, for instance).

  As for those Right-oriented intellectuals whose OHAA affliction constitutes a clinical case, they are drifting away uncontrollably, even more so than in the distant past when they cynically betrayed our European Identitarian values (this behaviour can, in fact, be partly explained by Stockholm Syndrome, which drives people to submit to their likely future masters). They have thus embraced a complete policy reversal. It is no longer cunning that accounts for their OHAA, but their confounding naivety. When the OHAA-stricken Left proceeds to ally itself with the invaders, in no way does it betray its own principles, but merely dresses them up in a highly clever fashion. By contrast, the Rightists that have been afflicted with OHAA truly play the role of useful idiots whose anti-American hatred truly requires psychiatric treatment.

  It should also be noted that OHAA is far more unbridled, heinous, frenzied and frustrated among Rightists than among Leftists, who remain more skilful than their counterparts. In the eyes of those Rightists, anything remotely American (jeans, TV series, music rhythms, sodas, you name it) is automatically diabolical, in accordance with an anathemising and infantilising logic fraught with simplism, dualism and intolerance, thus mirroring an Islam that fascinates them, just like sparrows are fascinated by serpents. In several ways, the standpoints embraced by these Right-oriented intellectuals relate to profound ideological schizophrenia, a condition which they must be severely stricken with and which, to a great extent, accounts for their gradual loss of public support.


  It goes without saying that OHAA and its invectives represent an intense factor which contributes to the reinforcement of American neo-imperialism. Nothing pleases the latter more than the sight of its European enemies succumbing to excess and extremism6 .

  I am also open to the idea that those espousing OHAA not only among Leftists, but particularly within the extreme Right spectrum, are actually being manipulated (at the very least) by American secret services, whose ingeniousness is truly monumental. It would not come as a surprise to me if they had actually been infiltrated by the latter. For nothing could be more exhilarating for the CIA receiver located at the Place de la Concorde than witnessing these attention-seeking pen pushers, whose entire lives have been compromised by a vilified past, spew forth a torrent of insults and call for terrorist acts against America, while abstaining from any serious, composed and argument-based anti-American criticism and counteroffensive. Instead, they advocate an eco-pacifistic, ethno-pluralistic, socially utopian and Islamophilic model for our continent and never declare themselves in favour of a European superpower. As for Bové and the neo-Lefitsts, they strive for the very same goal. Extremist anti-American positions: this is precisely what the CIA’s propaganda services long for. What they dread, on the other hand, are genuine radical standpoints.


  Indeed, the evidence that supports the above-mentioned statements stems from the fact that OHAA lacks the ability to target the NAI with any sort of criticism on the economic and technological level (a topic that is covered in this book), although such critique is crucial for Europe’s independence. The focus is always on the NAI’s purely military aspect, as well as on insulting G. W. Bush for his mental poverty and warmongering frenzy, yet one hardly mentions, if at all, America’s massive and secret endeavour to conquer the world through techno-economic means. Any criticism is restricted to bombardment issues and the implantation of McDonald’s on European soil. The USA is only criticised when it lashes out at Third-World Muslim countries, but never for its desire to destroy Europe’s economic power. In short, OHAA only acts as an objective means towards creating an Islamic and Third-World European continent and does not reflect any will to enable Europe’s victorious emergence from its global rivalry with America.

  B. The ‘Uncle Sam’ Myth

  Anti-American passions are precisely what any consistent opposition to Americanism must be careful to avoid. Passion is always harmful to political judgement. Let us consider Islam, for instance: it is the doctrine of conquest, and yet it is perfectly able to resort to calculating behaviour and stone-cold hypocrisy when the balance of power is not in its favour (Dar al-Sulh).

  Anti-Americanism is synonymous with overestimating America (in line with 19th century myths), thus unknowingly and unintentionally transforming the US into a promised land. When reading the countless diatribes expressed by French anti-American intellectuals, for example, one is not only struck by the latter’s profound ignorance of what America is actually like (they are only familiar with New York and, to some extent, Los Angeles, neither of which mirror America’s essence), but also by their upturned and almost morbid fascination for a deeply detested (and therefore somehow adored) American ‘anti-model’ (which is still basically a model). They bestow upon the latter a mischievous omnipotence that is completely fictional. Anti-American intellectuals invariably succumb to the ‘Uncle Sam’ founding myth, centred around his tutelary power that allegedly governs the world. The sole difference is that instead of depicting him as the Pope, one renders him the Anti-Pope, and instead of regarding him as the messiah, one considers him the Antichrist, which, in the end, amounts to the absolute same thing.


  Just like Americanophobes, the Americanophiles belonging to the ruling French intellectual caste set America apart from all countries by putting it on a pedestal and adorning it with peacock feathers. Through their anti-American romanticism, which keeps them completely disconnected from reality, Americanophobic theoreticians acknowledge their Americanomania, just like obsessional Judeophobes are essentially Judeophiles. They proceed to criticise a mythical America, this omnipotent Satan against whom only the most desperate terrorist acts come into consideration, targeting it with invectives. These people cannot conceive of the world without America and thus render it a great service. For nothing destabilises American minds more than the display of indifference or the expression of cold and collected judgement towards the US. This is because the American mentality requires either love or hate and cannot bear the horror of a truthful assessment. These boisterous Americanophobes would cause their hated/cherished enemy far more grief if they placidly embraced various programmes contributing to Europe’s rising power, thus following the Chinese example…

  C. The Worshippers of 9/11

  The 9/11 attacks triggered endless outbursts of joy in OHAA milieus, whose central argument was the following: in the name of the Greater Good, the USA had been bombarding the world for decades on end, but now, at long last, America itself has become the target of terroristic bombardment. The Americans were asking for it. Well done! They got what they deserved! This form of dialectics is rather poor and, as is always the case with OHAA, has more to do with passion than reason.


  In his work entitled Understanding the Bombardment of New York, Lyons-based neo-Leftist ‘academic’ Ja
cques Marlaud turns himself into an indulgent commentator on the massive New York attacks. By implicitly approving of the latter’s main pretexts (represented by Islamic terrorism), the author makes an unshakable argument in favour of American imperialism. This argumentation follows the same (yet less severe and pathological) line of reasoning adopted by Alain de Benoist in the aftermath of the military invasion against Iraq when he called for anti-American attacks, a topic that is covered elsewhere.

  Even the most radical imams are cautious not to fall into such a trap, for everyone is well aware of the fact that, in civilian terms, to ‘understand’ someone is to absolve them. The cowardliness of such standpoints far outweighs their counter-productivity. What would these gentlemen say if their close ones lost their lives in an Islamic attack? In truth, never would these slipper-wearing imprecators, who, with a cat in their lap, hurl their anathemas at the world with utter impunity by means of a computer keyboard, have ever dared profess an ounce of such hatred against our Islamic and Third World conquerors. One has to vent their frustrations somehow, right?

  There are, however, more extreme cases in the subservient ‘useful idiot’ category. I am obviously referring to those ‘European nationalists’ who have chosen to convert to Islam. A textbook case of such psycho-pathological affliction is embodied by a certain Tahir de la Nive, who preaches ‘Euro-Islamism’ and has close ties to the ‘New’ Right. He is the author of an utterly astounding book that explains to the world how Islam actually represents both Europe’s and America’s salvation, regardless of the fact that the latter are its worst enemies. This ethno-masochistic theory is quite commonplace in the above-mentioned milieus. In its effort to legitimise its disregard for all rules, the NAI is in dire need of such overzealous, lunatic opinions.


  Only the weak would express their resentment in such a manner. Even if the US Air Force is indeed guilty of numerous unforgivable acts (and yet, it is far from being alone in this respect, since the Dresden war crime was actually perpetrated by Churchill’s RAF), this cannot serve as an excuse for anyone to rejoice at the demise of thousands of innocent people, whether the latter are ‘American’ or not. The most comical, extraordinary and contradictory element, however, is that in France itself, hysterical anti-Americanists simultaneously espoused the following positions, neither of which is compatible with the other:

  1) The 9/11 attacks were fomented, or at least authorised, by the CIA in cooperation with the Mossad so as to create a pretext for an offensive against the Muslim world, a world that threatens the existence of Israel.

  2) We all rejoice at the sight of the terrorist attacks that have stricken the very core of our detested America.

  These people had better make up their mind…


  Adopting a position in which one feels joy at the thought of the people who met an untimely death in the World Trade Center or a standpoint where one calls for anti-American attacks betrays a lack of honour that is foreign to our traditions. Some French intellectuals have chosen to side with barbary, with the worst kind of comfortable, barbaric behaviour, just as they once did when they glorified Stalin and Aragon, our poet, dedicated entire verses to Stalinian crimes. Why have these overzealous individuals not come forward and volunteered to act as human targets (human ‘shields’, so to speak) in both Bosnia and Iraq? American pacifists do have such courage, at least. There is a detestable and ridiculous aspect to all those calls for murder and violence uttered by bearded living-room intellectuals who, having been exempt from military service, have never fired a weapon, been shot at, nor even heard a gun being discharged in their entire lives. They would never dare use the underground at one a.m., nor at four in the afternoon, for that matter; the only underground line that they would travel on in the summer is the first, which is only used to transport harmless American tourists to their destinations.


  OHAA partisans are mostly recruited among the supporters of Europe’s Islamisation, which is seen as ‘a solution to our decadence’ and an opportunity for us to ‘rely upon Tradition’. With regard to this particular level of mental delirium, it is the Italian, neo-fascist intellectuals who admire both Evola and Guénon that are truly very gifted. It must be said that there is a certain Italian intelligentsia that manifests a bizarre penchant for a contrived line of thought which can viewed as a form of ‘mental falsehood’. The latter can prove anything on the basis of nothing, covering its claims with the verbose and slimy coating of prosodic expression, which represents an equally severe flaw as the dogmatic and vindicating fury that characterises its friends among the ranks of the Parisian intelligentsia. Neo-fascist Claudio Mutti, a man who converted to Islam and whose words always leave us wondering whether his statements are to be understood as a joke, did not hesitate to write the following:

  During his triumphant visit to Libya, Benito Mussolini paid homage at the grave of one of the Holy Prophet’s Companions [sic] and brandished the Sword of Islam. […] Meanwhile, in Berlin, where the Palestinian flag was the only one to have the privilege to float alongside the Reich’s, chancellor Adolf Hitler favoured people’s conversion to Islam and declared: “the only ones who I consider to be trustworthy are the Muslims”. (Taken from Uncle Sam’s Crusaders by Tahir de la Nive.)

  Lo and behold — even such stupidities can be expressed through erudite terms…

  This utterly delirious opinion does not, of course, grant the current state of affairs (namely the dramatic Islamic chokehold smothering Europe) any attention. It contents itself with intellectual masturbation around Hitler’s and Mussolini’s allegedly close friendship with the Muslims. ‘Since Hitler fought against both America and the Jews, this implies that…’, and other such deliria. Elementary, my dear Watson.


  It is highly likely that a certain number of extreme Left and far Right milieus, ranging from isolated individuals and small groupings to structured associations, have actually fallen under the simultaneous influence of the American secret services and that of the Islamists. Indeed, the extremism displayed by OHAA serves both their interests: in the case of the former, the reason is that such extremism robs intelligent and efficient anti-Americanism of all credibility; as for Islamists, they approve of it because it allows them to divert people’s attention away from Europe’s Islamisation and to establish the fallacious notion of a ‘Euro-Arab’ or Euro-Islamic resistance front struggling against the USA. It is all too easy for manipulators or professional provocateurs to infiltrate diverse movements or magazines and ‘arouse’ the managerial staff’s passions, since the latter are ever prone to naivety and romantic musings. As soon as one becomes aware of the pronounced candour and adultescence afflicting some intellectuals, such schemes no longer seem difficult to manage. In the cheapest possible fashion, the pseudo-Identitarian followers of OHAA embrace rebellious and dissident posturing, never incurring any risk whatsoever. Nothing is more contempt-worthy than revolutionary theatrics. Instead of shouting out one’s anger at the real invaders, which is too dangerous and risky an endeavour, one directs their attention towards America (and in correlation, towards the ‘Zionists’), or refocuses on abstract entities with intricate denominations, including ‘utilitarianism’, ‘major corporations’, ‘global mercantilism’, etc. Such is the behaviour adhered to by the paleo-Marxists of the MAUSS, whose texts require a French intellectualistic dictionary of jargon so as to be read.

  OHAA thus functions as a means for people to vent their frustrations. Dissatisfied with the world they live in and frustrated by the lack of recognition they receive from a System that scorns them, second-rate intellectuals (who are all too frightened to tackle genuine threats and ever conditioned by the notion of a unique, anti-racist and pro-Third World line of thought) use anti-American hatred as a sort of risk-free emotional outlet.

  How fortunate it is then that the (blatantly) imbecilic Bush has chosen to lash out at the Arab world! Low-rate intellectuals will thus find themselves in
a better position to indulge in their favourite activity: the defence of the oppressed (the Third World, the Palestinians, and so on). Let us be clear in this regard: the French version of OHAA is accounted for by a fear of Arabs and Islam, as well as by the desire to adopt an attitude of fake rebellion. We must gain those people’s favour, you see. For it is always preferable to side with the future (supposed) victors. Just like those young European girls who put on the Islamic veil in order to protect themselves against harassment in their own neighbourhood, proletarianised intellectuals and Trotskyite ‘welfare workers’ stomp their feet in indignation in the face of those who would persecute poor countries, protesting against the South’s contemptible exploiters and tormentors. The old leitmotiv proposed by the Leftist vulgate never ceases to fascinate the Parisian Right.


  Upon seeing anti-American protesters marching through the French streets with Arab flags in their hands, one can only wonder who the real invaders actually are. What is more humiliating for a Frenchman — to watch as masses of demonstrators, all of whom are, at heart, utterly indifferent to the French and European identity, flaunt their Islamic banners across our boulevards, or to witness a parade of American and British flags (which has never happened, mind you)?

  Never would those boisterous anti-Americans, who claim to be ‘Identitarian’, dare answer such a question.

  D. OHAA, the Third World’s Ally

  OHAA and its intellectual supporters are not as focused on resisting the American chokehold as on exploiting anti-Americanism to defend their cherished Third World. It is also obvious that, as part of the school disciplines that aim to create ‘cultural awareness’, French children are to familiarise themselves with African tales, Arabian music, the Thousand and One Nights, and the magnificent sonorities of Bwadambas and Tam-Tams, rather than with Disney nonsense such as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and the Three Little Piggies (those impure animals). As understood by our suburban ‘youths’, America’s sole positive aspect is not to be found in those repressive conservative milieus whose suit and tie-wearing members scream in outrage the moment a youth lights up a joint and which embody the heinously White, racist establishment; instead, it lies in Black people’s sublime cultural attitude, with its hip-hop music, rap tunes and fascination for Islam, which are of course a sign of glorious rebellion.