A Global Coup Page 15
2) Islam’s primary ambition is the conquest of Europe. In order to achieve this, the Muslims are willing to attune their efforts with those of the US. Islam will never accept a Euro-Arab alliance and scornfully mocks those brownnosing Europeans who swallow their Arab-Islamic friends’ sermons whole, as these sermons only apply to those who abide by them.
3) Allow me to emphasise it all once again: the adoption of an ‘Arab policy’ makes no sense from the European perspective, since Europe does not stand to gain anything from such an approach, as the latter could only lead to problems. The only sensible anthropological and geopolitical attitude is one of armed peace, of a reciprocal exchange from a distance. As far as their oil is concerned, Muslim-Arabs have no other option but to sell it to us, and even if they did not, the Russian reserves are probably the largest anyway, not to mention the extensive and gradually indispensable use of EPR (third generation) nuclear reactors. Techno-scientific alliances, you say? We do not stand to gain anything from those. A military alliance? What a joke. And why should we ever involve ourselves in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Let the Americans face this gruelling task. Our great Euro-Siberian entity must cultivate power neutrality (in this respect, Robert Steuckers used the term ‘gigantic hedgehog’) and only show interest in reaching a friendly agreement with China and India, the rapidly growing colossi which must be taken more seriously than the ‘Arab world’, ‘Muslim countries’ or, worse, Black Africa. For despite their respective demographic growth, all three are doomed to remain pygmies in terms of techno-scientific achievements and strategic capacities.
It would be a fatal mistake for anyone to assume that we could ever counter American hegemony by forming alliances with the above-mentioned ensembles. It is a worldview worthy of philosophers and ‘cultivated minds’ that prefer abstract ideas to specific facts.
C. The Pest or the Flu?
One must be entirely blind, stupid or ‘intellectual’ (or perhaps even open to bribery) to believe that America embodies a greater threat to our specific European identity and integrity than the colonisation that afflicts our continent and is conducted by the Third World and Islam. In France, we witnessed the ‘anti-war coalition’ marching in the streets, bringing together Muslim Imams and their herds (shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and deploying Arab banners), pro-immigrant Trotskyites from the Leftist galaxy, undocumented migrants (who take advantage of every opportunity), neo-Stalinian syndicalists, ‘alter-globalists’, and many others. From our European perspective, the worst possible consequence of American neo-imperialism lies in the reinforcement of alleged Islamic martyrdom and the strengthening of pro-immigration Leftism. Since our intellectuals are essentially incapable of choosing a third path (one that is equally opposed to Islam, immigration and the American policy, and in favour of Europe), the ridiculous American administration has, as a result of its military campaign in Iraq, managed to turn anti-Americanism, Islamophilia and Third-Worldism into dominant (and related) ideologies.
For there is something suspicious about this generalised anti-American coalition. In no way were those who demonstrated against the war in Iraq protesting against anti-European American imperialism, nor were they supporting the creation of a European power. They were definitely not in favour of increasing our assertiveness in the face of our overseas adversary and of setting European re-conquest into motion. What they supported was actually ‘the oppressed Third World’ and an Islam that displays great skill in manipulating them, thus granting our real enemy their support. They are therefore simultaneous accomplices of our American rival and our Islamic-Third-Worldist enemy, which is quite a feat.
Should we not consider the Arabisation and Africanisation of France a positive, a counterweight to the American television series that ravage our very souls? Since American soap operas rob us of our identity, doesn’t the dialogical complexity that stems from the presence of the Third-World on our soil actually restore it? What matters in the end is that mass immigration, whose general consequences are favourable, forces us to question the metaphysics of subjectivity.
Such is the rigmarole that typifies collaborators, comprising an alliance of Leftists and neo-Leftists. They bemoan Islamophobia as the most severe of all ailments! Because one encounters it everywhere, right? What does it matter that the French state openly supports Islam and rolls out the red carpet for the Muslims to use by allowing the fundamentalist UOIF (Union of the Islamic Organisations of France) to take charge of Muslim institutional representation in France… Such is their utter stupidity.
Although I am well aware of the fact that it is apparently very difficult, what I would like people to understand is that the most urgent, absolute and lethal threat to Europe is not embodied by American imperialism (which I have always strongly resisted), but by our sub-replacement fertility and the invasion afflicting our continent. This invasion at the hands of Third-World migrants is obviously our own fault, for in no way could American imperialism be blamed for this deadly phenomenon, and neither could ‘liberalism’, since it is European Social-Democratic statism, and not the business community, that fuels the Third World suction pump.
Regardless of America’s blatant imperialistic aspirations, any desire to turn it into the source of all our ailments relates to sheer intellectual temptation in which one readily absolves himself of any and all responsibility. It also constitutes an avoidance strategy. So as not to be held legally accountable for their actions, which is of course always the aim, some identify the US as Europe’s absolute foe, thus avoiding the topic of the real invasion that threatens our continent. One does not run any risk by writing ‘US go home’ on walls. In our republican and ‘secular’ country, however, one may well, for instance, be imprisoned or fined for having written ‘Islam go home’.
I gladly acknowledge Islam’s grandeur, for it is a foe worthy of interest. Americanism, on the other hand, is not an enemy because it does not merit any attention and will collapse of its own accord as a result of its rootlessness. Koranic schools are far more dangerous than American soap operas, or those propaganda shows that are broadcasted by various Islamist channels and watched all over France.
Islamic terrorism bears no relevance to the fate of the Palestinians. The advocates of hysterical anti-Americanism claim that the primary and unique cause behind Islamic terrorism lies in the fate suffered by the Palestinian people at the hands of the Jewish state and America’s open support of Israel. According to them, Islam would otherwise be perfectly pacifistic, and we would face neither terrorism, nor violence.
This viewpoint is completely contradicted by both historical facts and current affairs. In Nigeria, the Sudan, Indonesia, and many other places, the exactions and terrorist acts perpetrated by the Islamists have nothing to do with the Israeli policy. The Islamic attacks conducted on European and American soil began long before the current Israeli government took power, and the new ‘intifada’ started well before American neoconservative imperialism ever emerged. Moreover, are Sharon and Bush to be held responsible for the acts of piracy and various atrocities committed by Barbary pirates against Europe for ten whole centuries, the conquest of Constantinople or the besieging of Vienna at the hands of the Ottomans?
Enough with this nonsense. I definitely do not sympathise with either of the above-mentioned political leaders, but anyone convinced that Bush and Sharon have somehow caused Islamist terrorism is clearly delirious. Admittedly, their respective policies do foment the latter. However, we can all rely on Islamism to use every conceivable and possible pretext to have its mujahideen plant bombs. Islam’s inherent logic aims to expand the Dar-al-Harb (literally ‘the abode of war’) to include all countries ruled either by the infidels or by renegade Muslims, using all available means and resorting to every possible justification along the way. Islam actually presents its aggressions as acts of self-defence, as demonstrated by Islamologist Christian Marot in Europe in the Face of Islam (Eurasia editions
, 2003).
Even if the state of Israel were to yield or collapse at some point, and even if the USA kept a low profile and readopted Jimmy Carter’s moralising and crypto-Leftist doctrine, Islam would, regardless of circumstance, still not lay down its weapons, for it possesses its own internal dynamic of conquest, namely the jihad. It would still aim to conquer Europe and then subdue the entire world using every imaginable means, while resorting to its battalions of bleating useful idiots comprised of European or American converts and hysterical anti-American Islamophiles or Palestinophiles (belonging to both the Right and the Left).
Seriously now, what is more of a threat to our French and European identity? Hollywood or an ever flowing migratory tap? The American neoconservative infringement to international law during the invasion of Iraq or the violation of the right to asylum by the hundreds of thousands of fake refugees that come to Europe, 80 % of whom are Muslims? The American administration’s vague threats of industrial and commercial retaliation against France or the insults targeting our country and the visa-related blackmail at the hands of the Algerian authorities? The headway made by British and American English in international seminars or the demands to make Arabic the fourth national language in Belgium? The girls dressed in T-shirts and jeans or those veiled, shrouded women? The technological and economic war waged against us by America or the birth-rate war launched by a conquering Third World on our own soil? The American attacks against our European cutting-edge industry or the destruction afflicting our domestic wealth as a result of the massive costs of untamed immigration? And so on, and so forth.
Admittedly, the future impact of both these kindred threats is very real indeed, but one must be utterly blind and succumb to ideological dogma to believe that we are dealing with a zero-sum equation and that the first menace could ever be equal to the second; for the former only results in illness, while the latter remains fatal.
It is not the Americans who are the reason for Europe’s drowning, but the European political caste whose members have, for the past thirty years, been gleefully orchestrating our ethnocide. Who is responsible for the daily insecurity burdening our people, the collapse of our national education system and our sub-replacement fertility? The Americans? Who are the ones who cost France several billion Euros spent on the ‘social curing’ of criminality, civil inclusion, reinsertion, unrestricted aid, urban policies, etc.? The CIA, perhaps? The inability to distinguish a foe from an adversary and rival or absolute danger from temporary peril is truly a flaw that is exclusive to French intellectuals, who have always been characterised by their contempt for reality: let us not forget that they once embraced Stalinism.
Who is now wreaking insecurity and terror upon our cities and French countryside? American and Anglo-Saxon tourists, perhaps? Who is primarily accountable for the unemployment rates in France, Belgium and Germany? American multinational corporations, fiscalism, bureaucracy and anti-entrepreneurial regulation policies? Who prohibits France, Germany, Italy and Spain from endowing themselves with a reasonable defence capacity and constructing an autonomous and powerful armament industry in conjunction with Russia? Is it the pressure exerted by America, or rather the scornful attitude of European politicians towards all aspects of European defence (whose budget is considered an ‘adjustment variable’) and industry? I mean, seriously, one must be willing to take responsibility for their own actions before blaming others.
Chapter VII: OHAA or Obsessive and Hysterical Anti-Americanism
A. A Schizophrenic Line of Thought
OHAA is a neurosis that leads those afflicted to consider America to be our main foe and invader, as a result of their panicky fear of designating the real threat, namely our continent’s genuine and massive invasion at the hands of the Third World and Islam. America is thus guilty by substitution. The Americans (along with Zionism and Capitalism) are at fault on all levels; Europe, on the other hand, is not to be blamed or held responsible in any way. We are therefore witnessing the intentional misidentification of the actual source of danger in various intellectual analyses, just as a patient chooses to disguise the cause of his affliction. And should you point this out to these advocates of Manichean thought, you would immediately be accused of being an ‘Americanist’ or a ‘Zionist’, which adds insult to injury. ‘You see, ladies and gentlemen, the ailments that afflict us are due to a far more complicated reason than you think. Appearances are deceiving. In no way does the decline of our national education and our youth’s cultural level stem from post-68 laxity and the impact of mass immigration on our school system, for it is clearly due to the debilitating impact of American soap operas. And as for endemic unemployment, it is not fiscalism, social statism, nor the reduction of our working hours that have increased its rate; the real culprit is capitalistic dictatorship, whose mastermind and secret puppet master divides his activities between Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bank. Just like those poor peoples in the Third World and the oppressed Muslims, we too, ladies and gentlemen, are being subjected to the effects of American imperialism’.
Those who direct their hysterical criticism at the USA render themselves inefficient by targeting America with their reductio ad hitlerum and contrasting the American attitude with their own naïve, irenic, pacifistic, judicial, moralistic and ultimately unrealistic notion of both political philosophy and the relations between different nations. This does not come as a surprise in the case of the Leftist adepts of OHAA, who, stupidly and mechanically, reiterate the nonsense professed by Western Marxism. It is, however, surprising coming from the (admittedly more extremist) followers of OHAA who belong to the ‘New’ Right. Their hateful demonisation of America, which is seen as an omnipotent Great Satan, completely contradicts their self-proclaimed philosophy that rejects anathema and binary thought and claims to favour the values of ‘pagan’ polytheism over those of ‘precluding monotheistic systems’. This noteworthy contradiction cannot be accounted for solely through this thought current’s intellectual deterioration, one that has seen it plummet from creative analysis to the level of invectives and dogmatic slogans (going as far as to implicitly call for terrorist strikes against the US). In actual fact, it is also due to a fascinated alignment with Islam.
In order to legitimise their OHAA, these boisterous preachers have openly chosen to disprove their own slogan of ‘defending the European civilisation’. What they rather strive for is the latter’s betrayal. By fully siding with the Left’s multiracial notion of ‘European identity’ and thus completely disfiguring it (for they have labelled impossible and unrealistic the reversal of the migration tide), they lack the harsh (and cowardly) words to castigate the concept of a ‘White Europe’, meaning that of an ethnocentric and bio-culturally homogeneous continent. They indulge in Arabolatry, Africanolatry and Islamophilia, following the same ideological path as Ras L’Front and SCALP and resorting to foolish predictions regarding the ‘empire’ that a new, multi-ethnic Europe is said to embody. They do so without any consideration for demographic facts or historical experience, for the intellectuals that live on their own neo-Leftist planet never analyse, argue or ponder issues; they simply ‘believe’.
These people have pulled off a perfect reversal, the feat of obliviating their own past and aligning themselves with the vulgate: they thus simultaneously espouse Third-Worldism, Islamism and OHAA, hating the dominative White Americans (the WASPs), who, in accordance with isochronal Marxist dogmatism, serve as the scapegoat for all the ailments that torment poor countries. In this process, however, they have so far failed to comprehend that American ideology, especially that of the NAI, is entirely multiracial and communitarian and therefore in harmony with their new convictions.
The extraordinary paradox that characterises these hysterical anti-Americanists (regardless of whether they belong to the traditional Left or the neo-Left, as the line that separates the two is growing ever thinner these days) is that
they advocate the very same social philosophy and the exact same ideals as the neoconservative American administration that currently holds the reins of power, including multiracialism, the rejection of an ethnically homogeneous Europe, a desire to turn our continent into a pacifistic and counterproductive federation, a belief in the possible emergence of a democratic Islam, a Manichean worldview, the advocacy of violence against the Evil ones, etc.
In both its Left-oriented and Right-oriented form, OHAA thus plays a cunning role, namely that of leading Europe towards forgetting the identity of its real foes (meaning that of its invaders, colonisers and domestic collaborators), and it does so by designating America and those abominable Zionists as ‘Europe’s Absolute Enemies’. A mixture of spontaneous emotionality and intellectualism, OHAA does not, however, burden itself with anything specific or factual, for the latter is a source of major inconvenience to all those who are prone to devising their own delusions.
By decreeing America to be our sole enemy and the only threat to our continent, OHAA thus legitimises the notion of an Islamised and Third-Worldised Europe. Let us all unite against Uncle Sam! The ethnic kinship between White America and Europe is simply trampled underfoot. This kinship is so obvious that mentioning it becomes rude in the eyes of these truth defilers. They proceed to invent some fictitious ‘solidarity’ between Europe and the Muslim-Arab world (a world whose presence is already greatly felt on our continent, through demographic alteration and threats) against the fire-breathing American hydra. They also claim that Islamophobia reigns supreme when, in actual fact, it is Islamophilia and Arabophilia that have, during the past decades, dominated the sphere of political correctness and our country’s entire political policy.