Ethnic Apocalypse Page 5
The French Authorities’ Lies and Betrayal
When a French native defends himself against an act of aggression committed by immigrants, he often ends up being condemned. Generally speaking, they are the ones who enjoy a privilege of leniency when it comes to justice. Anti-White racism, which is now becoming increasingly widespread, only triggers a tepid and half-hearted legal response, as does the anti-Semitism displayed by the Muslim-Arab populations. The extreme Right, on the other hand, is systematically punished whenever it indulges in anti-Semitism. Whatever one thinks of these individuals (and I, for one, state my position clearly — I do not like them and think that these people have chosen the wrong path), the numerous convictions handed down against Alain Soral and Hervé Ryssen show that French judges are uncompromising with regard to ‘white people’s anti-Semitism’, which has not been punishable in France for decades. By contrast, it seems that any Muslim rapper can spit on Israel and the Jews without being threatened by the courts. Everything is clearly at sixes and sevens here. The French state — i.e. its administration and justice system — implements what can only be described as a foreign preference, while simultaneously devaluing the situation of indigenous citizens in all areas of life. Its actions are not only due to its fear and cowardice, but are also the result of its perverse decision to fight against and deconstruct our country’s First Nation.
The leniency shown towards thugs of immigrant origin reinforces their feeling of impunity and incites them to commit ever more violent acts. Instead of using the word ‘murderers’ to describe the thugs that had burned some of our police officers alive, our former Minister of the Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, whose resignation numerous MPs demanded, chose to label them ‘savages’. Mr. Cazeneuve is a shameful and immoral man. As for the then Minister of Justice, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, he proved to be a rather inconsistent character, assuring our people that ‘there are no areas of lawlessness in France’. And there are no craters on the moon either — everyone knows that… These two former ministers are textbook cases embodying the state’s deceitfulness and complicity with the invaders.
As for Alain Juppé,27 he declared in one of his speeches that ‘France was rich in its diversity’. In harmony with standard political cant, what he was actually harping on about was the old leitmotiv according to which ‘immigration is a chance for France’, which is a complete fallacy. Manuel Valls,28 the fake hardliner (just like Sarkozy29 ), has often repeated the great official and historical lie preached by those who choose to submit: ‘Islam is an inseparable part of ourselves and our culture, and hence of our roots’. This declaration made on 17th October, 2016 by the Prime Minister of France sounds like a shameful, pathetic and despicable capitulation and is despised by the invaders themselves.
A Strategy of Tension Faced with Submission
All the symbols of the French nation are being targeted — police officers, members of the gendarmerie, and firemen. Even schools are no longer able to evade the rise of deliberate violence directed against young people of French and European origin (which applies to girls as well, since they, too, are very often targeted) and teachers, despite the fact that the latter comprise a leftist and anti-racist majority! Not a day goes by in public schools without clashes and aggression, even rioting, always caused by the same perpetrators, whose origin is always identical: Blacks, Maghrebians, and Africans. It is a strategy of provocation and conquest recommended by the radical Muslim authorities, a strategy of tension meant to ignite a genuine racial war. Religion is only a pretext, a flag that these hostile foreigners brandish to give their gratuitous hatred false intellectual depth. They envy us and simultaneously hate us. The goal they have set for themselves in France is to defeat a French state that finds itself overwhelmed and paralysed yet is also guilty of complicity and collaborationism, having fallen prey to both infiltration and entryism. The spectre of Vichy has resurfaced, as submissive collaboration spreads in the presence of a resolute invader.
The declared objective, one that is disseminated by Muslim theorists on the internet and exerts increasing fascination upon young immigrants, is to bring about our country’s disappearance (followed by that of the rest of Europe) through demographic submersion (migrational invasion and excessive birth rates), accelerated Islamisation (the coercion or conversion of Whites) and guerrilla-based harassment that will force our natives to either yield or flee. This theory is widely advocated and prevalent among the young immigrant populations of Western Europe.
Very influential among the young Arabs of France, who respond excitedly to their words, the theorists of global jihad are allowed to spread with impunity the prediction that ‘Europe shall fall’ under the weight of invasive migrational demographic pressure and the joint development of terrorism and criminality, which will stupefy and terrify our aging and anti-racist Europeans before compelling them to submit. This war programme is already being implemented. We are now in the preparatory phase that paves the way for the offensive. In his book entitled Les cloches sonneront-elles encore demain? La vérité sur l’histoire de l’islamisation de la France30 (Albin Michel, 2016), Philippe de Villiers31 reveals the existence of secret or discreet agreements of submission, extra-legal agreements drafted with the complicity of the French state, whose purpose is to smoothly surrender entire portions of the French territory to Islamic law, i.e. sharia law. Our collaborationist state is already negotiating with the invaders. Without bothering to wait for the final political victory of the bearded ones, as seen in Michel Houellebecq’s32 novel Soumission,33 the elites betray their country by accepting the enemy’s grievances, in a display of utter resignation.
From Patrick Jardin34 to the
Yellow Vests, They All Say ‘NO’
In the introduction to this book, I have highlighted the fact that there is an almost supernatural aspect to the lethargy characterising the French in the face of their fate. We must not, however, paint everyone with the same brush. The reality of things is, after all, complex, and the above-mentioned remark is to be qualified and tempered. In actual fact, those who long to fight, including our patriotic militants, must first combat the inertia and ill will of all those who have submitted to the prevailing line of thought. Indeed, it is difficult to apprehend the rage of the true members of our Resistance from underneath this immense heap of undead bodies.
On 29th January, 2017, in a video posted on Daniel Conversano’s35 Youtube channel, we were introduced to Patrick Jardin, a man whose daughter was murdered at Bataclan, as he recounted as he shared his ordeal.36 He is one of the few relatives of victims (perhaps even the only one) not to use words of the ‘you shall not arouse my hatred’ type. Dignified and virile throughout, this grieving father explains that he has always been suspicious of our non-native populations and had had to endure their misconduct long before this tragedy came to pass. He is also seen presenting clear arguments in favour of de-migration and the latter’s necessity. His most sincere wish is for these people to go back to their homelands. Indeed, terrorism is only the tip of the iceberg. This man is no fool at all and is well aware of this, despite his own individual pain. I encourage you to listen to the interview. Mr Jardin’s outspokenness, common sense and lucidity make one long to fight again for France and its people. Since then, Patrick Jardin has been invited to speak in TV Libertés and many other alternative media platforms. He has contributed to preventing rapper Médine from holding a concert at the Bataclan, which was supposed to be organised in October 2018. What an infamous event that would have been, considering that Médine has made some rather muddled statements in the past and praised jihad.
I would, in a similar vein, like to point out that on 23rd and 24th June, 2018, ten men and women were arrested and accused of criminal and terrorist conspiracy.37 It appears that these people were planning attacks on both mosques and veiled women in retaliation for the killings perpetrated by Islamists over the past three years. The arrested individuals were, for the most part, family men with no c
riminal history, the kind that one would, a priori, never suspect. I do not know how well-prepared this group was, nor how imminently close they were to carrying out their intentions, but this kind of information allows us to understand that tensions are indeed on the rise, as the country gradually turns into a powder keg. Up until now, our intelligence services have managed to thwart such attempts, but for how much longer will they be successful? If a French attack against Muslims did take place and were crowned with success, it would have but one result, I believe: it would unleash a civil war upon us once and for all.
Finally, I cannot help but briefly mention the popular movement that is now in full swing as we draw closer to completing this book — that of the Yellow Vests. The reasons that drive the French to descend into the street and wear a yellow vest as a sign of protest are many. Every Saturday, for a few weeks now, we have all had the feeling that the country could plummet into chaos at any moment and that the political situation is about to be undergo a complete sort of reorganisation. The repressive violence of the CRS38 or the BAC39 has often been mentioned in these demonstrations; there would indeed be a lot to say on the topic. The police are acting in accordance with the directives given to them by the powers-that-be, and if they have been so uncompromising against the French dressed in yellow vests while remaining lukewarm and powerless when dealing with scum, it is only because they are being told to behave in this manner by those above. What I would like to talk about is a matter which, in relation to the very subject of this book, is very interesting, namely the acts of ordinary racism that have come from some of these Yellow Vests (mostly French-born ones), especially at the roundabouts they occupy.
In videos posted on Facebook, we witnessed a female protester take advantage of this collective enthusiasm and the rare feeling of being supported by an entire community to hurl angry words at a half-African, mixed-race woman who was shouting loudly because the Yellow Vests were blocking her car — ‘Go back to your country!’ she sympathetically bawled.40
In a similar setting, in the middle of a closed highway, one could see several black men step out of their car, furious and prepared to fight with the Yellow Vests on the scene. After a few seconds, realising that they were, for once, in a state of numerical inferiority in the face of a group of irritable Whites, the Blacks decided to return to their vehicle without further ado. Elsewhere, at a roundabout, and for no reason other than their weariness in the face of the outward signs of Islamic adherence, several Yellow Vests asked a female driver, who insisted on being allowed through the roadblock they had formed, to remove her veil on the spot…
This uninhibited aggression towards members of the so-called French diversity is a novel development, one that surprises me in a most pleasant way. If one were to consider things in terms of mathematical probabilities and crowd psychology, one would say that it is impossible for any racist murder or retaliatory attack (in response to those committed by jihadists) to be carried out by a native Frenchman in the coming years. The few examples I have mentioned are, however, meant to illustrate the situation’s explosiveness. Indeed, one can already detect the voluptuous smell of racial war floating through our country’s air.
Three Possibilities —
Submission, Defeat or Victory
Eric Zemmour41 believes that things have got off to a bad start:
I fear it is too late. … If a strong power were to adopt my proposals, a part of the Muslims would secede. The next thirty years will lead us towards an inevitable outcome: either civil war or submission. General de Gaulle gave Algeria its independence because he considered the “Arabs” and the “French” to be “like oil and vinegar” — caable only of separating.
This idea is a very interesting one. In my opinion, however, the thirty-year timeframe that he predicts is far too long. The flare-up will occur well before that, perhaps even in the next five years.
There are three possibilities concerning the sequence of events.
The first, the worst of them all, would be that of submission. It takes two to wage a war, and if our white Frenchmen do not defend themselves against these invaders and foreign aggressors, there will be no war. What will result instead is decay, collapse without real combat, or isolated acts of revenge. This is a possibility which I cannot exclude.
The second possibility, a terrible, distressing and unthinkable one at that, is the outbreak of a racial civil war resulting in the defeat of French natives and other ethnic Europeans, who would have to fight against their own collaborationist state. This is a development mentioned particularly by Jean Raspail.
The third possibility is that of a victorious civil war with incalculable historical consequences, including, of course, the collapse of all our political paradigms. Whatever the case, we will find it impossible to evade major disorders in the coming years. Indeed, Western Europe will soon be the setting for an inevitable earthquake.
Chapter III:
The Ethnocidal Project Targeting European Peoples
Genocide is the physical annihilation (or attempted annihilation) of a people using violent means.
Ethnocide, on the other hand, is the destruction of a people through non-sanguinary, long-term and more pervasive processes, namely progressive immigrational flooding; the destruction of one’s cultural identity and historical memory; repressive measures; spoliation; and, last but not least, the relegation of the indigenous population to a lower status.
As regards the ‘migrant crisis’,42 which follows forty years of settlement colonisation in Europe; the Arabisation of society, which has obviously been taking place in parallel to Islamic terrorism; foreign preference policies; the collapse of our national education level, including the abolition of historical and identity-based teachings; the presence of a judicial laxity synonymous with an upsurge of criminality; and anti-familial tax policies, these elements do not result from delinquescence, weakness and the resignation of the state and the elites. It is even the very opposite that may be more to the point.
It is all a project, a voluntary action implemented by active minorities present in various European states (especially the French state, the enemy of white Europe) and the institutions in Brussels. Their unacknowledged racist goal is the genetic and cultural disappearance of all the indigenous peoples of our continent, set to occur during this twenty-first century. Our rulers’ collaboration with Islam is also blatant. But who are the masterminds, the inspirers and the accomplices behind this ethnocidal project of white peoples? We shall return to this matter later on.
The Daily Ravages of Invasion —
A ‘Graver’ Issue Than Murderous Terrorism
Contrary to what is reiterated everywhere, the central threat is not necessarily that of Muslim terrorism (for that is the correct and genuine word, replacing the false term Islamist), which has certainly caused many deaths and mutilations over the past decade or so. The actual danger is embodied by the massive, hostile, and harassing presence of young and brutal populations that are ethnically very different from ours, rejecting and hating our civilisation. Out of sheer resentment, frustrated self-victimisation, a decidedly vengeful and vindictive mentality and racism too, many of their members abhor France and long to destroy it from within. Encouraged by both Islam, which acts as their banner and is now at its third historic attempt to conquer Europe, and their undeniably long memory, they are always driven by rancour and jealousy. Terrorist acts involving the use of explosives, firearms, and knives, vehicle-ramming attacks, and these people’s daily criminal practices and behaviour are the first stages of the conflagration that shall lead to a civil war.
What is perhaps more serious than large-scale jihadist terrorism (since it is less spectacular)43 are the facts that I am about to cover, events which one becomes accustomed to and ends up tolerating little by little, although they would have been completely intolerable in the past and still are in an Eastern Europe that has been preserved against such developments and is thus obviously demonised b
y Western elites. Imagine that — Whites still live among their own in those parts. How awful!
Just like Muslim terrorism, these facts are part of a process and a war project aimed at provoking, intimidating and frightening, triggering surrender and retreat, and conquering new spaces, territories and rights. Let us review the main areas impacted by the (violent or non-violent) manifestations of racial and racist civil war stemming from these foreign populations and encouraged by their gurus. They are just as serious as terrorist acts, be it those carried out using homemade bombs or those perpetrated by militarily organised groups, which are on the increase everywhere. And yet the government allows these saboteurs and ill-intentioned foreigners to turn the lives of Frenchmen into a daily living hell.