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My opinion, an unacceptable one in the eyes of the self-righteous, is that a racial civil war would not be as serious a development as a collapse without conflict, i.e. what Konrad Lorenz termed a ‘lukewarm death’. Indeed, the worst possible occurrence would be for us to surrender without fighting — a progressive agony characterised by demographic and cultural disappearance, population replacement and Islamisation. This is the very scenario which some (political and mediatic) republican left-wing forces, whose members have established their presence at the heart of the state, are striving to implement in a display of great perversity. In fact, it was this ethnocide of French natives that Jean Raspail5 once labelled ‘the Republic against the Nation’. The paradox is that an outbreak of such a war could ultimately represent an opportunity if one considers the issue from the angle of a historical dialectic, just as Hegel once did. Indeed, a conflict is what shall enable us to resolve the problem, just as a fever eliminates a virus. The worst option would be for us to allow the situation to fester — we shall, instead, have to burst the abscess ourselves.
According to Islamologist Gilles Kepel, author of The Divide (Gallimard, 2016), whose words I shall also quote, both Islamists and the DAESH movement long to trigger, through their aggressions and murders, a violent response on the part our French natives by driving them towards committing acts of reprisal against Muslim immigrants and thus giving rise to a civil war. According to him, it is a matter of dissevering the white middle class so that it turns against Muslims and causes the latter to ‘enlist in the movement in the name of Islamophobia’. According to Charles Jaigu,6 who commented on Kepel’s words, the aim is allegedly the following: ‘to erect the caliphate on the ruins of Christian Europe in the aftermath of a general civil war’ (Le Figaro, 24th November, 2016). Although astute, this interpretation of the facts is a perverse one, because it incriminates the French in advance, judging them guilty of wanting to defend themselves by reacting and thus triggering a war, when they are actually the ones who were attacked first!
My position is an entirely different one: a confrontation has become indispensable if we are to resolve the problem, remediate the situation and free ourselves. In this regard, these Islamist provocations, whose purpose is to spark off a civil war, are dialectically positive for us Whites and perhaps even suicidal for them if the events result in our awakening. If one keeps pulling the sleeping tiger by the tail, it will awaken.
A Cathartic Civil War
On the other hand, it is not only Muslim terrorism that can arouse the anger of the people and trigger its awakening, but also the generally delinquent, criminal, hostile, provocative and parasitic behaviour of a large part of these populations who, in all areas of our daily life, render all cohabitation unbearable.
A racial civil war could lead to a severe economic depression throughout Western Europe. Incessant riots, planned mass attacks or a multitude of improvised aggressions linked to decreasingly repressed violent delinquency will create a climate of extreme insecurity that will undermine all economic activity. It may turn out to be necessary to go through such events in order to salvage what is essential, because an ethnic and cultural war, in the event that we do emerge victorious, will rid us once and for all of the main problem, of the evil which, although never clearly formulated, is common knowledge to us all and has been gnawing at both France and Western Europe: the immigration stemming from low-IQ Africa, the gradual colonisation of our territories, and the destruction of our identity. In short, our future disappearance from history books.
It shall, alas, be a dreadfully painful catharsis, bringing destruction and immense sorrow upon us. It shall come as a result of the laxity and complicity of all those political leaders who have allowed or caused such population-swelling immigration and who will all be held criminally accountable before the courts of eternity. The worst possible development would be for such things never to come about and for our civilisation to disappear without fighting or embrace submission. But if the war does break out, our political paradigms will find themselves completely upset following our potential victory and the massive de-migration7 of the invaders. No longer shall we be unconditional supporters of Human Rights (and those of other primates), of blissful ‘multiculturalism’, of entrapping cosmopolitanism and the welcoming of Others, but, instead, the new proponents of homogeneous ethnocentrism, of the common-sense principle by which all prosperous and safe nations abide.
Chapter I:
The Conquest of Europe Is Underway
In Germany, because of the state’s laxity (or rather the complicit will of the disastrous Angela Merkel), more than a million8 self-declared refugees have been welcomed since 2015.
By the end of 2016, there were almost two million migrants across our continent. Just think of all the problems that this poses and that are simply ignored by the authorities. How surreal! This, however, is nothing more than the exponential acceleration of a movement that began more than thirty years ago. What started in drips has now become an open tap. With Greece already submerged, the European Union seems impotent and its elites are plagued by a masochistic logic of self-destruction.
‘We have not seen anything yet in terms of migrational expansion’, says Serge Michaïlov, a researcher at Iris (Le Figaro, 01/02/2016). The nightmare has just begun…
A Premeditated Invasion Movement
They have come from everywhere, taking advantage of the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars — from Afghanistan to sub-Saharan and Eastern Africa through all of North Africa. It is no longer regular immigration occurring in continuous spurts but an actual invasion movement. This process may well be the beginning of a demographic flooding that shall cause the demise of our European peoples and civilisation, as part of the ethnocidal project of authorities that govern Europe in a manner that is detrimental to its inhabitants. The death and disappearance of white people is a goal which, for different reasons, brings several agents together: a certain part of Europe’s ruling class (especially the Left, but not exclusively, as seen in the case of Ms. Merkel); the majority of the anti-racist leftist intelligentsia (comprised of degenerate whites and impudent Jews); some US political and economic circles who long to be rid of their European competitor; and, of course, Islam itself, along with its various governmental and religious authorities.
Mark my words: this historical phenomenon is much more important and much more serious than the two world wars of 1914–1918 and 1939–1945 and Soviet Communism (1917–1991). This invasion shall, indeed, have far more devastating consequences.
They Come, Millions at a Time
In 2015, 1.25 million migrants arrived in Europe, 270,000 of whom were minors. According to the IOM (International Office for Migration), the Aegean islands of Lesbos and Keos alone experience 3,000 arrivals a day. They are taken in, fed, and helped at the expense of the EU, i.e. at our expense; they are, in fact, treated better than our impoverished local populations and the unemployed! This is plain and simple foreign preference… In Greece, which serves as a ‘waiting room’ for alleged refugees before they are allowed to settle amongst us, 70,000 of them were expected at the end of March and their progress impeded, with 50,000 housing locations chosen to provide them with temporary accommodation. During the summer, with mild weather prevailing, the arrivals exploded. Since the beginning of January 2016, more than 350,000 migrants have already arrived in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Macedonia. Historically, this human tidal wave exceeds anything that Europe has ever experienced.
Favourite destinations are Germany, France, and Western and Northern Europe. 2.7 million Syrians and Iraqis (and others taking advantage of the windfall) are currently on hold in Turkey; not to mention the ‘Italian road’ that begins in Libya and passes through the Mediterranean. In Sweden, the country that has experienced the fastest demographic flooding in all of Europe, 35,000 unaccompanied migrant children — representing a total of 20% of the migrants that had arrived — were sheltered in 2015, all at the expense of t
he local community.
Since 1st January, 2016, 133,000 migrants have arrived in Greece from Turkey, with 470,000 others, most of whom were young men, having come in 2015 through Lesbos. Their aim is to join their already established communities on the other side of Europe. Taking advantage of our weakness, these ‘migrants’, who have no reason to be here at all yet are confident of their rights, turn out to be demanding and aggressive (as witnessed in Calais), never doubting the fact that they shall remain unpunished, evade deportation and enjoy the assistance of both ‘humanitarian’ associations and the state itself. Such is the invader’s logic, an invader that would be foolish not to take the trouble of pretending to be a victim… One must really be an idiot or a raving lunatic not to give in to concern in the face of these immigrational figures.
A Europe Disconcerted in the
Face of the Islamic Conqueror
Using barbed wire fences or legislations to seal their borders shut, Central European and Balkan states — Macedonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Serbia, and Slovakia — are attempting to protect the continent against the invasion. Despite these measures, the Balkan route still witnessed the transition of more than one million migrants in 2015.
In Slovakia, the outgoing Prime Minister, Robert Fico, had his mandate renewed after a campaign focused on his refusal to welcome a single Muslim refugee. And this reflects precisely what we are dealing with here — an invasion of our world at the hands of Islam, to call a spade a spade. This fact should please Tarik Ramadan, the Muslim ideologist preaching the conquest of Europe, whose authority was recently undermined by the rape charges filed against him by numerous women.
By resisting the invasion, the above-mentioned states contravene the Schengen Treaty and disobey the injunctions of EU officials. For Nicolas Bay, the then secretary general of the Front national9 (whose correct title is now Rassemblement national, having undergone a dramatic change of name, as we can all see): ‘What these unelected commissioners reproach the — democratically elected — governments of Poland and Hungary for is actually their decision not to comply with their injunctions on “the welcoming of migrants” and other similarly suicidal impulses’ (in Valeurs actuelles,10 3rd–9th March, 2016; as stated in the opinion column entitled ‘When the Union Strives to Prevent European Nations from Protecting Themselves’). The fact that the institutions in Brussels choose to negate our European civilisation, as well as its values, traditions and future, is not only due to the EU as such, as Mr Bay understands it, but results, above all, from the European governments themselves.
This issue is thus well worth pondering.
Erdogan’s Blackmailing Efforts and Objective
Today, the central issue is still embodied by the president of Turkey, the Islamic autocratic ‘sultan’ Erdogan, and his blackmailing efforts. With France (now led by the cosmopolitan and affected Emmanuel Macron) no longer taken into account, he has been negotiating with Germany to be given billions of euros in exchange for blocking the immigration stemming from Turkey, which is a fool’s bargain. Additionally, he has been demanding the abolition of visas for Turkish visitors to the Schengen area and the resumption of negotiations that would grant Turkey EU membership.
Erdogan’s goal is, in fact, identical to that of the Islamists and the criminal entity known as DAESH: to realise the age-old dream of Islamising Europe.
Hans Werner Sinn, the director of the Institute for Economic Research in Munich (IFO), believes that ‘whenever Germany is not docile enough for them, the Turks allow additional refugees into Europe’. What Erdogan is actually following in this regard is an understandable historical logic, namely that of the Ottoman Empire, which he is now attempting to resurrect — a conquest of our lands that would place the latter under Turkish rule not by means of (military) force but through cunning, rooted in immigrational invasion and high birth rates.
As Pope Francis Acknowledges
and Accepts the Arab Invasion
‘One can indeed speak of an Arab invasion [in Europe]); it is a social fact’, said the Pope. Yet he rejoices!
Indeed, he goes on to add:
The invasions that Europe has experienced have truly been numerous! And it has always found the ability to surpass itself, to move forward and thus find itself enhanced by cultural exchange [as stated in an interview with left-wing Catholics in La Vie Hebdo11 ].
Is this naivety? Cynicism? Blindness? Or a mixture of the three? Whatever the case, in his position on the alleged benefits of ‘invasions’, what the Pope displays is a complete lack of historical knowledge stemming either from his own ignorance or from his ideological dogmatism. He thus labels sanguinary confrontations — the Crusades, the Muslim domination that Spain experienced for centuries, etc. — an ‘exchange’. His remarks reflect a strange kinship with Trotskyist views. Hence the suspicions regarding his possibly belonging to the South-American circles embracing liberation theology.12 His statements truly resemble those of certain leftist Islamophilic intellectuals.
A complete traitor, Pope Francis has already attracted attention to himself through his moral encouragement of Muslim immigration and his opposition to any sort of impediment to the same, all in the name of a rather delirious and insane conception of Christian charity. In a suicidal manner and in opposition to the opinions of genuinely Catholic people, the current Catholic hierarchy is following a path that borders on that of the atheistic/Islamophilic Left. On the other hand, the religious authorities of the Jewish community have been careful not to adopt such positions because of the obvious correlation between Islamisation and anti-Semitism. As for the massive persecutions against the Christians of the Orient, which have only been very weakly condemned, they are simply written off… And one is particularly diligent to ensure that Islam as such is never burdened with responsibility for such actions!
The seriousness of the Pope’s words and behaviour towards our enemies is a source of concern. And I, for one, consider it all to be unforgivable.
The Lucidity of Certain Muslim Intellectuals
The most lucid and courageous individuals are often found among Muslim-Arab intellectuals (whether men or women), for the simple reason that they know the matter well. A good example is Algerian writer and journalist Kamel Daoud, who was dragged through the mud by both leftists and the intelligentsia. Having won the Prix Goncourt du premier roman13 for Meursault, contre-enquête,14 he was subsequently accused of Islamophobia, the capital sin of our time and age, and is being threatened with a fatwa launched by Islamists, in addition to a constant mediatic lynching effort organised by the Left’s elite collaborationists.
In an interview published by La Repubblica (‘Cologne, a Place of Fantasies’) and translated in Le Monde, he offers an explanation of the sexual assaults committed by oriental immigrants against German women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, declaring it to be the mere expected outcome of the frustrated sexuality of Muslim-Arab men.
He has thus dared to say:
Sex represents the greatest misery in the world of allah, so much so that it has given birth to the porno-Islamism that preachers make use of in their speech aimed at recruiting the faithful: a description of a paradise that is more like a brothel than a reward for pious people; a fantasy of virgins for the suicide bomber.
Kamel Daoud is, in fact, accused of apostasy by both jihadists and their French collaborators. He is a traitor, a modern harki: ‘Today, it is the verdict of Islamophobia that serves as an inquisition’, he later says.
A similar case is that of Mohammed Sifaoui, the author of Pourquoi l’islamisme séduit-il?,15 who writes: ‘In the name of some silly cultural relativism, the useful idiots of the Left and Right prevent … the criticism and discussion of fanatical dogmas.’ He, too, has fallen victim to retribution at the hands of his co-religionists and the intelligentsia.
Another scandalous Algerian writer is Boualem Sansal, who is greatly frowned upon by the authorities of his country and caused a
n outrage with his anticipatory novel entitled 2084, in which he describes ‘a world dominated by radical Islamism’. All these authors predict an ethnic and religious civil war in Europe, a Europe in great danger and filled with new populations, all of whom, or almost, abide by the word of the prophet Mohamed.16
The Predictions of Algerian Boualem Sansal
Sansal made the following declaration to Vzebek and Rika magazine: ‘Soon, we shall all be Muslims, so make sure you revise your Koran’. And here is what he has stated in the L’Express: ‘What Islamism has found in the Maghrebian community in France, which is very strongly communitarised, is a favourable breeding ground’ (24th February, 2016).
With the fall in oil and gas prices, Algeria is plunging into recession, since its regime, both corrupt and incapable, has practically left the country living almost exclusively off exported hydrocarbon revenues. In order to buy social peace and compensate for endemic unemployment, the regime subsidises and ‘sprinkles’ the population, to use Sansal’s own words. The latter predicts a flare-up in an Algeria where Islamists are already on the verge of power.
‘A Syrian scenario is indeed possible in Algeria’, he told Le Figaro on 24th February, 2016. In his eyes, his country is a time bomb: