A Global Coup Page 22
I apologise most sincerely for subjecting Islamophiles, Third-Worldists, ethnopluralists and OHAA supporters to such a shock, but let us suppose that a cataclysm were to compel millions of Americans of European descent to return to Europe: as far as I am concerned, this would be infinitely preferable to the non-native immigratory fluxes that have been pouring down upon our unfortunate continent. I would even consider such a development to be a favourable one for the regeneration of our germen.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the relentless anti-Europeanism displayed by American governments (for essentially geo-economic reasons) must not lead us to forget the presence of American populations whose members are of European origin, a presence that is still massive nowadays.
Who knows if, in the course of the 21st century (a century that promises to be a terrible one, wreaking the greatest devastation upon our planet since the fall of the Roman Empire), the world will not end up undergoing a re-composition in accordance with an inexorable North-South logic, as hinted by several current events? Such a development would topple several dogmas. When it comes down to it, anti-Americanists abide by the American dream of inhabiting a unified and pacified planet. Washington and the NAI would like this to occur under their own leadership, while Islam envisions this outcome as part of its global caliphate. These two utopias are kindred in essence, since they both stem from the same monotheistic attitude.
We must do Islam justice by being realistic and placing warfare at the centre of its worldview, for jihad is the temporary war that precedes the great Islamic unification. Just like the US, however, Islamism has failed to comprehend that war is an eternal strife and that no unification, whether liberal, Islamic or communist (or UN-based, for that matter), could ever come to pass, since no victory can ever be final. History cannot simply come to an end.
B. The Stupid Dream of a European-Islamic-Third-Worldist Alliance against the USA
As emphasised by the director of the Foundation for Strategic Research, François Heisbourg (in the image of many others who preceded him), it is very likely that the Occident will experience a ‘major schism’ between Europe and the US. Indeed, back in the 1980s, I myself wrote about this issue in several books, recusing the very notion of an ‘Occident’.
However, one must be entirely blinded to write what Alain de Benoist, an advocate of OHAA, did in his internet communiqué. De Benoist is the author of a book entitled Europe and the Third World — United by the Same Struggle:
A clash of civilisations will definitely take place; unlike what many people believe, however, it is quite likely to involve a confrontation between Europe and the United States, instead of a conflict between “Islam” and the “Occident”.
Talk about mistaking one’s desires for reality…
First of all, it is clear that the clash between Islam and Europe (or perhaps even between Islam and the rest of the world) has already begun, as a result of the will displayed by this warmongering religious civilisation, which is as fanatical and expansionistic as it is ‘de-civilising’. Some people’s inability to realise this, or the fact that they pretend not to be aware of it, is either a matter of partisan deceit or one of intellectual idiocy. Furthermore, as demonstrated by A. Del Valle, there is an implicit and subtle US-Islamic collusion against Europe and Russia. Thirdly, the reveries to which anti-American hysterics surrender regarding an admittedly possible cold or hot ‘war’ opposing Europe to America (for none can predict the future) are utterly suicidal. For nothing would please Islam and the Third World forces that march under its banner more than a Euro-American confrontation, as this would weaken their common foe; and they do see us as one, whether we like it or not.
Nevertheless, I suspect that, owing to a mixture of masochism, hatred and cowardliness, the people who write the kind of nonsense quoted above harbour an inner desire for an Islamised, Third-Worldised and therefore disfigured Europe, one that would act as America’s adversary. Such is the explicit position embraced by the peripheral movement within the ‘New’ Parisian Right, whose members have converted to Islam (including Tahir de la Nive, Bouchet, Mutti, etc.). In their eyes, hatred towards the USA takes complete priority over the defence of Europe and its identity. The sort of ‘civilisational clash’ they long for would have Europe ally itself to Islam (after being invaded by the Third World) and enter into a military conflict with the Great Satan.
As might be expected, my standpoint is diametrically different. For one should, on the contrary, hope that the Americans (or the American government in Washington, to be precise) will become aware of the inanity pervading their current policy and take heed of the fact that their interests do not lie in weakening Europe. One must hope for a reversal in the American position. This endeavour is a far more promising one than the rather unhealthy reveries regarding an unnatural alliance between Europe, Islam and the Third World. In future, Euro-Siberia and the US may well become adversaries and competitors, but they might still form an alliance against their common enemy. Such a development is obviously far from being in line with today’s global geostrategic configuration, but I, personally, wish for it to come to pass. And I am not the only one to feel this way, as all the facts point to such a new global evolution.
C. Solidarity with ‘White America’?
I am driven by a certain solidarity, an ethnic kinship, so to speak, with all Americans of European descent (and with all the subjects of the British commonwealth who belong to the same category). I do not harbour the same feelings towards the francophone populations located overseas. This has, of course, no bearing at all upon the necessary struggle against the American policy and, in particular, Washington’s current political approach. Unlike certain members of our Identitarian milieus, I do not rejoice at the sight of the demographic diminishment afflicting the White (and especially WASP) populations in the USA, as I share the feelings expressed by Georges Suffert and Claude Chaunu in their premonitory book entitled The White Plague, which was published back in 1976. I, too, find a global solidarity with all populations of European origin to be more crucial during the 21st century than the geopolitical rivalries that divide Whites.
I know that my attitude is a sin in the eyes of the prevailing ideology. Forgive me not, Father. I am culturally closer to the Anglo-Saxon civilisation than to the Muslim-Arab one and the African continent’s ‘early arts’. I would rather visit the Museum of Astronautics in Washington than explore the future ‘primitive arts’ museum that Third-Worldist Jacques Chirac intends to establish. I would also prefer to send my children to an American university than to have them study in an Islamic one. I would, of course, favour French universities, but taking into account what they have become…
Enough delirium: the claim that we are ‘very distant’ from our kindred American civilisation (I deliberately chose not to use the word ‘sibling’) does not stand up to scrutiny, even if it is indeed possible to detect major differences between our European values and those espoused by Americans. The fact is, however, that these differences are very minor in essence compared to the precipice that separates us from the Arab-Islamic and Asian spheres. Should anyone intend to write a thesis on the topic of European history (stretching from Mycenae to our era), I would advise them to base it on the information holdings available at American universities, rather than on any documents provided by Islamic or Third World universities. There are, however, many thinkers and sophistic scholars who remain utterly deaf to the voice of common sense. Indeed, all these professional anti-American hysterics are but arrant hypocrites. Given the choice, they would rather live in Boston or San Francisco than inhabit Algiers or even Barbès.
The 21st century will be a Spenglerian one and will involve clashes between the different civilisations and races, as inherently understood by Samuel Huntington in his Clash of Civilisations. Even if this vision is a caricature (and yet, every caricature does reflect reality, simplifying it without actually betraying it), we shall
witness a confrontation between Whites and all others, as part of a process that has already begun and that intensifies year by year, even if it does take on distorted and extremely diverse shapes. When I say ‘Whites’, I am obviously referring to all the peoples who have, ethnically speaking, inherited the European civilisational matrix.
Even if, from a historical perspective, the American approach has been one of rejecting Europe, and regardless of the fact that strategically, economically and geopolitically, the American government has embraced the temporary role of Europe’s fearsome adversary, I am convinced that White America and White Europe are bound to draw closer to one another (they are both, after all, experiencing a decline on their own soil). Is there any genuine reason for the current situation to persist? Washington’s NAI will perhaps be swept away by the new historical circumstance of a geo-ethnic confrontation; I prefer the latter expression to that of a ‘civilisational clash’. The current geostrategic divide must not be allowed to conceal tomorrow’s ethnic reality, the reality of a world in which Whites will find themselves ever more threatened and in a minority position, and will thus be compelled to regroup. The great majority of our Western elites is of course completely blind to such predictions, however easy they are to formulate, since they only see short-term developments and are paralysed by their own cosmopolitan ideology.
Let us, at this stage, return to the initial issue: would it not be possible to combine the admittedly mythical notion of Euro-Siberia, which I have expanded on elsewhere, with the conception of Septentrion, a conception that is very vague, of course, but may still come true, even if we cannot yet predict what historical shape it might take?
Although we cannot imagine its exact form (unlike us, however, History has all the necessary imagination for this to happen), Septentrion can be defined as the regrouping of all peoples of albo-European descent located in the northern hemisphere, spanning from North America to Europe and the Russian Federation, in addition to two crucial septentrional extensions: Argentina and Australia.
I am well aware of the fact that such a myth may well turn out to be fallacious and inapplicable and that it would shock all those who abide by the prevailing ideological hegemony, as well as all anti-Americans, pro-Americans (since American domination would no longer be possible) and, of course, all universalists and globalists who identify with Christianity, Leftism, liberalism, Islam, and so on. Undoubtedly, this prediction regarding the possible (and desirable) birth of a Septentrion presupposes the disappearance of the USA as we know it, which will probably occur in the aftermath of a territorial partition and the relinquishment of a number of States.
A dream and a utopia, you say? Is there anyone who, at the beginning of the 20th century, would have predicted the Islamic rise to power, the outbreak of religious wars, the brutal collapse of Communism, Europe’s rapid Third-Worldisation, etc.? Despite all the revelatory indications, the answer is: no one at all, which is particularly true of intellectuals. Spengler was alone to have detected some of those premonitory signs back in the 1920s. And in the 21st century, History will progress at an even faster pace.
White American mentality may yet change, and change it shall as a result of the tempests that are bound to rage (regardless of whether the latter are of an ethnic, economic, religious or any other nature). The current American administration is of little importance and its presence highly temporary. The same goes for ‘capitalist globalisation’, a liberal dream whose stupidity is equal to that of universal ‘alter-globalist’ Communism. Who’s to say that mentalities will not pivot and current ideologies collapse under the impact of the rising storms? We must not perceive the world through the narrow, small end of our spy glass, but through its large end, which allows us to catch sight of all incoming asteroids.
Strangely enough, those who are most convinced of the veracity of such theories (while simultaneously fearing them, of course) are none other than the representatives and elites of the Third World (regardless of whether they are Muslims or not), who have initiated their attack against the White world. This is because these southern countries and the prolific populations that have been settling into Europe and America share a view of history that is considered abominable by our Western elites: the long-term infrastructure surrounding the destinies of different peoples reflects the ethnic and demographic power relations.
Never since Ptolemy has any multi-ethnic or even multiracial society been able to function on a long-term basis. How could one ever change this fact? Through some kind of ideological miracle, perhaps? Following the daydream of universal miscegenation and the delusion of European and American ‘communitarianism’ under the authority of a federating and integrating nation-state that was predestined to fail, we are now inevitably entering a time of ethnic consolidation, as if through a swing of the pendulum. There are none yet who can predict the exact manner in which this worldwide native European solidarity will take place, and none can be sure of whether it will occur on separate micro-levels or take on global proportions. One thing is certain, however: the idea is already lurking behind the corner, just like a vagabond. It begins by infiltrating people’s minds in the shape of a roguish thought, before exploding like a bomb and imposing its presence as a vital sort of necessity once everyone is urgently called to order.
Allow me to reiterate, once again, that Septentrion is but a myth, one that does not mirror the current state of affairs, but espouses the future developments whose outlines can nowadays be discerned. Account taken of the ever-increasing pace at which our planet is being reshaped, I personally think that the US-European confrontational model, which can still be observed today, will come to an end as a result of evolutionary pressure. The Septentrion vs Aliens model seems more likely to me, although I could be wrong. And yet, I was not mistaken when, at the start of the 1980s, I predicted the fall of the USSR and the Islamic breaking wave.
I will now proceed to reassure some people, especially the anti-Americans amongst them: in no way is the notion of Septentrion incompatible with that of Euro-Siberia, since its centre can only be located on our own continent and motherland, acting as the physical, spiritual and geopolitical midpoint of what must be termed the White race. Furthermore, this Septentrion presupposes not only America’s demise (for it will not subsist in its current form), but also the possible homecoming of some Americans of European descent into the sphere of a new ethnocentric and Euro-centric empire. Septentrion shall mark the end of the American dream and coincide with the return of the prodigal child to its European, parental bosom.
Let is now summarise the important points that we have touched upon in this book:
The adequate response to the New American Imperialism could never stem from hollow moralising discourse, but must be rooted in a wilful reacquisition of power conducted by the Europeans themselves. Current American leaders are without qualms: their morality and democratic messianism are but a façade ridden with holes, one that can hardly conceal their desire for global economic predation. Historically speaking, such an attitude is nothing new. In contrast to the delusions embraced by obsessive and hysterical anti-Americans, the USA does not embody any sort of novelty in the saga of successive imperialisms that the world has known since the days of the Pharaohs.
The greatest service that one could render America lies in demonising it, which is actually synonymous with the fact of worshipping it. Current anti-Americanism has produced a mythical notion of what America is by fashioning it into a global historical exception. The NAI is, however, doomed in advance, since it is founded upon a principle claiming that American domination is virtually eternal in essence, when, in actual fact, all hegemony is of an ephemeral nature. Likewise, the fact of presenting the American society as a social reign of terror, lowliness, oppression, poverty, uncultured behaviour and decadence does not relate to any observable reality, but rather to the kind of ideological exaggeration that laid
the clumsy communistic propaganda to waste.
What hardly any observer or commentator focusing on the NAI’s adventurism has ever pointed out is that, ultimately, all decisive events take place in the ethnic and demographic arena. Every people and historical power is but the embodiment of a specific, biological and cultural strength and form that characterises its own population. Everything, from geopolitics to economics, is basically determined by this factor.
This is why the American threat against Europe, although admittedly real, is infinitely less important and critical than our demographic decline and rapid submersion at the hands of southern masses and Islam. It is we ourselves who are exclusively responsible for both these developments, which American imperialism takes advantage of, even though it did not actually cause either of them. This imperialism is not the source but the result of our domestic decline. The reason for our waning lies within us and must not be sought anywhere else. What the NAI thus does is fill not only a power vacuum, but particularly a void of will.
In no way is the Muslim-Arab world, for instance, in any danger with regard to the NAI or the Likud’s policy, even if the American army does undertake military campaigns across Mesopotamia as part of a ridiculous remake of 19th century colonialism. Why? Because its demographic strength, fertility, culture and religion all act in its favour. Throughout history, the sole long-term victory ever achieved by various peoples has been that of their germen and will, thus reflecting two realities: a material one and a spiritual one, which are organically connected to one another.
What purpose would it serve for anyone to hold a long artful geostrategic discourse on the power relations between the USA and Europe, including Germany, Russia and France, if one remains oblivious to the fact that what is essential — indeed, absolutely vital — is for us to avoid depopulation and the destruction of our ethno-biological substratum at a time when both these processes have already been initiated? As witnessed in the past, a Europe that is perfectly healthy demographically speaking and preserved against the kind of dramatic ethnic colonisation we are currently experiencing would not find it difficult at all to free itself from adverse imperialism or resolve an economic crisis. However, it is infinitely difficult for one to convince the elites to heed such reasonable remarks, especially at a time when the prevailing ideology prohibits everyone from discussing ethnic and demographic problems, which represent the central issue.